Project LIFE
Standard Operating Procedures
Revision v1.0.1 Updated 10/31/2019
1. Introduction
2. Mission Statement
3. Rules
4. Membership
5. Administration
6. Hierarchy
7. SaC SOP Coverage
8. Certifications
9. Executive Orders
10. Elections
This document shall serve as the governing document by which Project LIFE shall operate. All members and staff who use this group or any of it's features, does so in agreeance with this document.
Project LIFE (Living Is For Everyone) strives to help our neighbors far and wide, with emotional support during their time of need. It's our hope that we can help our neighbors make it through the day.
With focuss on anti suicide and depression, our goal is to help by being a sympathetic ear and a guidance tool to help find local resources.
a. NO BULLYING - No name calling (friendly joking permitted amongst friends)
b. NO JUDGEMENTS - No matter what the member is struggling with, it's not our job to judge, only to help and be supportive.
c. NO SOLICITATING - No sales of any kind permitted without the consent of the adminstrative staff.
d. NO ARGUING - We do not tolerate ANY fighting on this group
e. ALWAYS BE OPEN MINDED - We are here for EVERYONE. You must put your views aside when using this group. What we mean is, what you may disagree with for religious reasons, for example, may be the norm for another religion. As such, do not try to impose your own beliefs. We are here to LISTEN.
f. Take all issues that can not be resolved on your own, to the staff.
g. Do NOT try to defuse a situation between other members, simply report it to staff and we will intervene.
h. DO NOT DISCLOSE INFO OBTAINED WITHIN A PRIVATE CONVO REGARDING A REQUEST FOR HELP - If you are in a private conference with someone, as the mentor, you may NOT share the contents of that conversation with ANYONE unless the following criteria has been met.
IS there a danger to the public? IF YES - REPORT IT TO STAFF
if no, IS there a threat of self harm? IF YES - REPORT IT TO STAFF
Failure to observe this rule is punishable by permenant removal known as a PERMABAN.
j. If you can not resolve your issues with staff intervention, you will file a complaint on the SaC Law site (
To be a member of Project LIFE, you need only be old enough to use the computer or phone. There is no age limits or location limitations.
There are NO LIMITATIONS on how long you have to be a member of Facebook.
You MUST have an active Facebook account. It can be fake to protect your identity.
The only reasons you may be denied membership are outlined below.
a. You have been permabanned from Spot-a-Cop
b. You have been permabanned from Project LIFE under another account
c. You have made threats of violence towards any place, person, or thing, related or indirectly related to Project LIFE, it's members, and or staff.
d. You are a registered sex offender with restrctions that would prevent your legal access to this group.
e. Have done something by the course of conduct, not limited to verbal or through the malicious conduct geared toward the harm of anyone affiliated with Spot-a-Cop, Project LIFE, or any of it's members, staff, or affiliates.
An admin may be removed from their position if they are found to be unfit for duty, or engaging in conduct unbecoming of a staff member.
The administration staff is comprised of tiers and departments. Some have asked why is this so structured, it's just a facebook group. The answer is because if you do not make things clear in the beginning, you can not expect people to conform to a common structure. As such this SOP has been constructed to meet that need.
Administrative Office - President and VP
Executive Board - a 6 member panel consisting of the department heads, and one presidential officer.
Adminsitrative Agents - Admins who have been appointed duties within the administrative offices
Moderators - Mentors and assistent moderators
The Command Structure
President - is an elected leader of the group (the first was appointed). They are responsible for everything that goes on in Project LIFE. Their term lasts 1 calendar year and may serve as many terms as elected. If the current president runs unopposed, they retain the position. If they should retire, resign, or be removed, the Vice President shall step in and appoint a new VP until the end of the term.
The president does not dictate policy, but rather participates in voting and discussion with other department heads. His job is NOT to create policy but to ensure that the current SOP is being respected.
Vice President - is an appointed position by the President of Project LIFE, with the approval of both the Project Life Executive Board, & The SaC Senior Admin Panel. This term lasts 1 year or until the end of the current presidents term(s). Vice presidents may be removed from their position by the president, executive board, or the SaC Senior Administration with a joint approval from Project LIFE Executive Board.
The VP is the executive officer of the group. This admin's job is to actively monitor the Department heads and sit in on department head meetings and report to the President.
Chief Security Officer - is an elected position which MAY be appointed in times of vacancy in the midst of a current adminsitration term. If there is no elected admin for this position, and a temporary admin is filling the role, an election is to take place during the regular elections to seat an elected admin to that postion. If no opposing admins run for this office, the current admin may retain the office or appoint a replacement.
This position is held for 1 calendar year. The CSO's job is to monitor Project LIFE's security deaprtment, who ensure security protocols and rules are being respected. They montior member activity, watch for accidental or intentional dicslosures of private conversations. They check to ensure members who have been removed, are not sneaking back in under fake identities.
Chief Alderman - is an elected 1 year term position. The alderman oversees the Mentor Department. Their job is to ensure that the mentors are functioning appropriatly withing their capacity as mentors. This means ensuring that mentors are following the rules.
Chief Developement Officer - this is an appointed position. The SaC Head of Developement MUST APPROVE this postion's admin. The President of Project LIFE shall determine whom he/she will appoint using any means they wish, so long as it is 100% fair, legal, and in the best interest of the group and it's members. ONLY THIS OFFICER MAY MAKE BIG CHANGES, UPDATES, ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, REMOVALS, etc. with the presidents or the executive boards approval, unless ordered to do so by the SaC Development Dept. who shall notify the Executive Board of intended changes with as much advance notice as possible.
Chief Marketing Officer - is an appointed position. This position is held for 1 year with no term limits. If they should resign, retire, removed, or otherwise unable to continue serving in their role, they may be replaced at the discretion of the President, VP, or Executive Board.
Mentors - are entry level MODERATORS who work for Project LIFE as point of contacts for our members who need our help. These positions are not limited in duration, however they MUST be approved by the Executive Board.
As Project LIFE is a service of Copyright 2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, it is goverend partially by the SOP for SaC.
The areas of concern are the arbitration & permaban sections.
If such needs arise, the admin staff shall refer to the SaC SOP for those needs. Members are encouraged to review thsoe sections by navigating to
At any point the Executive Board may choose to instate certifications to increase staff knowledge, and quality of performance within the staff ranks.
IF a certification is to be instated, the following MUST happen first.
An outline of the purposed certification, merit award, and testing be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.
The Certification MUST be verified by the SOP.
The Certification exam MUST have the directions also contained in the submission to the Executive Board.
The Certification MUST come with a merit award developed by the Project LIFE development team.
Certifications must provide clear requirements if any, that must be met before the staff member is eligible for certification.
Certifications must provide CLEAR reason as to why they are needed and for which job(s) they pertain to.
The Executive Board will consider the purposal and rule accordingly. If approved, and unless the purposal included a projected implamentation date, the EB shall order a date for the certification to go live.
If the EB denies the purposal, it shall give valid reasoning and offer an acceptable solution if possible. The certification purposal may be augments and resubmitted.
Executive orders are emergency orders issued by the Presidential Office (President or VP; or SaC Executive Officers with the advance notice of the Presidential Office.) These orders shall be temporary and must NOT conflict with the SOP. These orders shall be in effect as prescribed in the order, until such time when the Executive Board may convene to hear the matter in which the order addresses.
Executive Orders shall only be used as temprary fixes and shall NEVER serve as long term policies unless voted on by the Executive Board.
Each year Project LIFE will hold elections on January 20th. These elections will fill the non appointed seats. Any member or staff agent may nominate anyone for any elected position. The executive board shall oversee a poll where ALL staff may vote.
THE ALDERMANS OFFICE shall conduct it's own poll on Project LIFE to get the members overall choices. Then the alderman will submit those names to the executive board.
A poll for the staff shall also be conducted. Once the names from both polls are collected, the Executive panel shall vote on the final candidates.